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About Us

Lunar Legacy Buffet Extraordinaire is a multi-cultural restraurant that is here to bring culturals together and to give you a taste of mordern day foods from across the globe. Our restraurant features a wide variety of foods from these different cultures. As a bonus with the food, there shall be free entertainment that goes along with the food. This entertainment will be sponsored and performed by different groups, churches, and associations that are here to bring these different cultures alive. Some of our cultural dances shall be belly dancers, singers, and even more! 


We feel like this business was needed to unite people with one another and to see who all is within our American culture as sub-cultures. Lunar Legacy would also like to be a restaurant where people can meet together and enjoy different foods that are normally kept seperate. We hope to bring these cultures together so that people can learn about the different cultures around them. We see the need for people to learn about what can be found in other places and offer the feeling of being able to explore the world all at once especially in a country that is a melting pot with a mordernized generation having mixes of different cultures. 


Want to know something special about us? We are unique. There is more than likely no other business that functions in the way that we do. Our restaurant is designed to bring you to these different cultures but also unite them together. We do not believe that mixing cultures together is a good thing so we have different rooms that contain different foods from the most common cultures that can be found worldwide. 



Who Are We?

We Serve?

Of course! We are here to serve you. Yes, you. We want you to dine with us no matter what. We wish to have you here and we wish that you would come to enjoy our delightful & delicious food as we provide you the entertainment you need to just sit back and relax. You probably found us on our television advertisment or maybe you saw it on YouTube and could not resist checking us out. We definitely provide the service that you, the customer, deserves. 


Are you not convinced yet? Then you should definitely check us out. Our costumers needs that restaurant that can meet with most people (if not everyone). We seek the reason to bring everyone together in one place. Lunar Legacy believes that we can gain people through our unique features and the risks that we are taking to bring our restaurant together. Join us today or tonight and lets have some fun. We want to serve and be with you and everyone you bring. You are the important one and we want to show you something new. Come to us and we will come to you. 




But How?

Lunar Legacy Buffet Extraordinaire wants to give as many people as affordable and capable a position at our restaurant to help promote the economy through a better standing of living and to promote specialization which will allow our business to grow in as many ways as possbile. We have an estimate of at least 104 workers so far. The main area that our specialization comes from is that we have cooks from various cultures who know how to cook the food instead of some random employees who do not know what they are doing. These cooks will be encharge of ensuring that the food for the buffets are right and nothing is wrong with them. Lunar Legacy even has waiters and waitresses that will serve the food and place them at the buffets. They are even in charge of making sure every is happy and serve them when they need to be serve. They also are in charge of coming around and refilling the drinks of the costumers along with . They will also be in charge of alerting our janitors of the tables that need to be cleaned while the waiters and waitresses take up the current plates that people left behind if they are getting more food with new plates. The janitors are in charge to make sure that the restaurant stays spotless and to pervent any clutter and unsanitizied areas. The janitors are the ones who are in charge of locking up the building along with a cook and a waiter or waitress. 


We reach our costumers through our many different advertisements and videos of our restaurant on YouTube. That is not all of it though. We have a Facebook and Twitter page that you can come to check for the latest reviews, comments, and announcements about the restaurant. Our business is also promoted by these different cultures and their communities. They help us prompt our restaurant through helping us gain costumers through sponsoring us as we sponsor them back. Our business is like a cycle in this way. We provide services that people help us with along with gaining workers and thus these cultures that help us can come & enjoy our food and services with their friends and so on.



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