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Mixed Economy

A mixed economy is best suited for our business because we need to also ensure the safety and rights of our consumers which the government regulates to help benefit our business to prevent things like rats in the building and things such as that.


Our role in the American economic system is to promote economic growth as well as provide a better standard of living.  We are here to provide goods and serives that the consumers need. We hire people and we serve people who pay whom we pay.


The consumer is what our business it built upon. We want to meet the needs of people through coming forth with their cultures and to show people the experience of cultural shock. The top most common cultures are the cultures that we offer. You decide!

Govt. Role

The government is in charge of antitrust laws as well as regulations to promote safety for our consumers. They also ensure that our business is runable and able to serve. They need to make sure that we are doing our job as well and abiding by the law.


Regulations: Zoning Laws, Insurance, Negotiating a Commercial Lease, & Licenses and Permits.


The government can also support businesses by giving them grants and loans as well as tax reduction. This is to help promote competition in the economy while the business survives.


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